Saturday, August 22, 2009

More Show and Tell

Shwew. I have to admit, I've been a bit busy. The big news is that I have officially resigned from my government scientist/outreach job as of yesterday. I don't know how I feel about it really... I'm excited to start my next adventure (erm, if you don't know, I'm working at Quilting Adventures full-time and attempting to create a home business - DawnStitches). But I did like the agency I worked for and definitely liked the people I worked with. So, yeah, I'm just at a bit of an emotional peak. I'll work through it - especially with the help of my super supportive hubby!

So, yeah, I'll stop babbling now and start showing..
The picture above and pictures below are of the 'signature quilt' I made for the wedding. Yes, yes - still talking about the wedding. I made quite a few things for it so there still may be a few more posts about all that.. : )
The quilt was based on a Bareroots pattern (#51 - Flower Quilt and Pillows). I added some more squares and didn't embroider all of it. I left quite a few places as blank muslin for people to add their signature and congratulatory messages. Everyone wrote such nice things!
I was afraid people would be hesitant to write on this but in the end I think they enjoyed it! Now I just have to make time to quilt it! Phoebe had a 'scathingly brilliant' idea that I embroider the Shakespeare sonnet (#18) that was read at the wedding around it on the red border.. Mmm.. definitely need to make a chunk of time for that!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Okay. Now for Show and Tell - Part 1.


Yes, we're back and getting into the swing of things again. Or trying to at least. : )

Now for some show and tell. I'll start off with the Mariner's Compass wedding quilt I made for my husband and me.

John and I took these pictures at Meadow Farm/Crump Park. We're very lucky to live so close to this great park. A taste of country living without having to travel too far.

This is a queen-sized (or a bit bigger... there's somebody around that is occasionally a blanket hog..) Mariner's Compass. The compasses are foundation paper pieced and the pattern is from Showstopping Quilts to Foundation Piece by Tricia Lund and Judy Pollard. The sashing was modified to have three strips (with a nine-patch in the corner). More pictures of this quilt can be found on my flickr.

I need to take care of some things around the house. I promise to share more soon! For any of you interested in seeing some photos from the wedding please see my sister Melissa's flickr.

I'll be back soon!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Don't give up!

I just wanted to say hello to anyone out there still attempting to read this blog.
John and I are married! Thus, I have plenty to share about the wedding and all the handmade goodies that went into it. So, bare with me. I'll try to start posting soon!